Goals & Objectives

Goal I) Increase community education and awareness about child abuse, including strategies for prevention, intervention and treatment.

Objective 1- Disseminate resource information and educational materials.

Objective 2- Provide regularly published newsletter(s) featuring community programs & information sources within and outside of our county.

Objective 3- Provide community trainings related to child abuse and prevention.

Objective 4- Promote Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month (April).

Goal II) Increase community coordination and communication pertaining to child abuse issues.

Objective 1- Serve as a community coordinating and communication body for agencies/individuals involved in prevention/intervention/treatment of child physical, sexual & emotional abuse and child neglect.

Objective 2- Network & collaborate with other agencies serving children and their families in Humboldt County.

Objective 3- Host  speakers on issues related to child abuse and children and families on a regular basis at general membership meetings.

Objective 4-  Organize forums for community members to provide input and discuss their ideas and concerns about child abuse on a regular basis at general membership meetings (alternating with speaker months).

Goal III)  Advocate for children and families in accordance with the CAPCC Bylaws and  Goals and Objectives.

Objective 1- Serve as a resource to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors by assisting in the establishment of child abuse prevention/intervention/treatment programs by serving as an administrator of monies provided in accordance with the Children’s Trust Fund legislation and a portion of the Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) monies.

Objective 2- Distribute information on legislation and other issues that affect the lives of children and their families in Humboldt County.

Objective 3- Regularly assess the needs of children and families as they pertain to child abuse issues.

Goal IV) Recognize Individuals/Groups for Outstanding Work

Objective 1- Host a celebratory event honoring individuals and/or groups nominated by their peers who help make lives better for children in Humboldt County.

 (Updated 9/4/09 m.w.)