About Us

The organization is comprised of its general members, a Volunteer Board of Directors, and a Coordinating Consultant (see roster).  CAPCC membership is open to anyone interested in child abuse prevention, intervention and treatment.  The monthly General Membership/Board meetings are held the fourth Friday of each month from 12:15 to 1:30 and all are welcome.  Members of CAPCC are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings held the 4th Friday of most months. DUE TO COVID-19, Board Meetings are being held by Zoom. For meeting information please see our “Our Work”.

 In June of 2016 the Board of Directors adopted the umbrella issue of substance abuse/drug addiction from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES fact sheet) to be our primary focus.  In the coming years CAPCC will work with local agencies to create solutions to this challenge and reduce the related child abuse of general neglect.