How to Make a Report

Anyone can report suspected child abuse or neglect.  Reporting abuse or neglect can protect a child and get help for a family.  It may even save a child’s life.

The Humboldt County Child Protection Reporting Guide (CPRG) has been developed to serve as a web-based guide that community members and professionals can use in determining whether concerns they may have about a child should be reported to Child Welfare Services. The intended goals of the web-based CPRG are to:

1) Assist reporters as they gain familiarity with child abuse and neglect reporting threshold;

2) Help ensure that children and families requiring a child protection response are promptly reported; and

3) Provide links to information about alternative options for reporters to assist children and families who do not meet the statutory child protection reporting thresholds.

The CPRG is intended to complement rather than replace critical thinking and provides a recommendation on whether a report to Child Welfare Services should be made. Using the CPRG does not prohibit a reporter from any course of action the reporter believes is appropriate. The CPRG incorporates design principles that help focus on the most critical pieces of information for the decision at hand. The CPRG reflects the consensus of multiple child protection agencies and community partners concerning situations that are best served through a formal child welfare response and those that are best served through alternative interventions.

 Call 707 445-6180 to report suspected child abuse or neglect.

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